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Geek Chic

10 Apr

Yes I realize I have been major neglecting my blog and I do hate myself for it but it’s been for a good reason.

For my final year project I had to come up with a group website and I decided on a website for all us Geek Chic girlies who look ultra fashionable on the outside but have a secret love for Captain Kirk on the inside.

So ya’ll should head over there as it’s the most awesome website you could ever wish too see from The 1-2-3 Girl to Antique of the Week to Does Grandma really know best?

Visit the website at –

Like us on facebook –

Follow us on twitter –!/GeekChic_1

Follow us on tumblr –

Oh and please COMMENT!!

In a octopus’ garden with you.

17 Mar

Today is a landmark day – it is mine and Bennys five year Anniversary!!

I should write something uber emotional about how much I love him but this isn’t the right place plus as i’ve said before i’m an unemmotional bitch.

Here are some cartoons of us that we drew each other five years back. In reality I should upload cute pictures of us throughout the years but we are simply too cool to take egotistical pictures of the both of us together.


– you will always keep me snuggly like a buggly!

Happy Birthday Daddy.

7 Mar

Happy Birthday Daddy!! – I would write something heartfelt and that but I don’t have emotions.


It’s starting to become a new trend…

28 Dec

With me apologizing for not being able to publish my usual blogs every week, my excuses this time I hear you cry? – well my dad has grounded lil ol’ until I have finished my essay so that’s no more shopping, socializing or playing on my DS (well in the daytime when he is watching) until I have written 5k words of crap that I don’t give a damn about.

Until I can get back into the world of blogging, why not go through my old posts and try to make some yummy cakes or have a go at customizing some of your clothes or simply just stare at the cute animals for about a hour.

So blogarinis, I hope y’all have a wonderful new year and i’ll see you in 2011 with more charity chic, bargionus buys and of course those all important crumbling cupcakes!

It’s that time of the month again.

22 Dec

Yes, it’s that time of the month again where I decide I want a brand new kick-ass hair colour and style.

The month before last it was all about shaving the side of my head but EVERYBODY talked me out of it. Then last month I wanted long black straight hair, but I decided against it as my hair is unruly when it comes to dying it all one colour. This month however, I NEED it to be exactly like this:

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Snow Sorry.

2 Dec


I am soooo sorry that I haven’t updated this blog since forever!

I’m trying to save the pennies for Christmas and even though I know I do only buy bargains they all soon build up and munch there way into money that I don’t have.

Plus this snow just makes me cry and I’m sat in all day watching DVD’s, drinking cups of tea and snuggling up with Gypsy rather then rooting through the charity shops.

But I promise once the snow has gone and all the presents have been bought I will be straight back to my bloggin’ my heart out.

Happy Birthday Suze!

8 Nov

Today is my BFF’s 21st Birthday! – So Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Suuzzeeeee, Happy Birthday to you!!

I Hope you have a wonderful time and get everything you want 🙂


And just because I know you love it…

A Harry Halloween.

1 Nov

Why is it that on Halloween girls suddenly throw all their dignity out of the window and wear the most sluttiest of ‘costumes’ – no matter if they are a curvy size 10 or a obese size 20. It totally boggles my mind – the same girls will slag off everyone on Snog, Marry, Avoid throughout the year but then on the 31st of October they are even worse.

Anyways rant OVER, I hope everyone had a great Halloween – I had loads of fun trick n treating with my BFF and her family – it was really lovely plus I got to eat hotdogs (not octopus :-P) and loads of sweets!

I decided to dress as Harry(iet) Potter – complete with Hedwig and a Nimbus 2000.

Scar: free – eyliner special from my make-up bag.
Glasses: £1 -Primark.
Scarf: free – found it in my house.
Gryffindor Tie: £2.99 – eBay.
White Shirt: £2 – George@Asda (courtesy of Suze)
Gryffindor Robe: £10 – Charity shop – BEST BUY EVER!
Grey Skirt: £1 – Charity Shop.
Brogues: £8 – Primark.
Satchel: £6 – Primark.
Hedwig: free – Burger King kids meal.
Wand: free – Cara broke off a bit off bamboo for me from SU.
Nimbus 2000: free – Liesey borrowed me it.

I should totally be studying Care of Magical Creatures Hogwarts and not Journalism at Teesside University.

Sorry Suzanne.

23 Oct

Both a song by The Hollies and a note of apology to my BFF Suze for not updating my blog in a long, looong time.

Ever since i’ve been back at Uni, I just haven’t had time to go shopping or do anything blog-worthy at all! – what with the lessons (even if I am only there 8 hours a week), having a social life again and then with the time I do have off all I want to do is sleeeeep.

But now i’ve decided that wanting to have a few zzzzzz’s shouldn’t be a reason to not shop! I haven’t stepped into a charity shop since forever and because of this i’ve actually been dreaming off them!

I’m off to one of my favorite charity shop destinations and a car booty this week so I will hunt high and low for some extra special barginous items and bring you ever so wonderful loyal readers the best of the best they have to offer.

Plus, because it’s National Baking Week I will be baking some extra delicious yummy food to set your mouthwatering/laugh at.

So as my first ever crush Scar would say: “Be Prepared!” – for plenty of capes (hopefully), cuteness and cakes.

hughhefner @Chantal_Jade Happy birthday, Chantal.

15 Aug

As I said in my birthday list blog one of the gifts that I wanted above all others was to have some Happy Birthday tweets of a few famous people. I tweeted everybody on my followers list (well the famous ones, I didn’t ask my old teacher for example) asking them to wish me a Happy Birthday as it was my 21st and I was only expecting about 3 tweets but by the end of the day I had received a grand total of 27! Mostly wrestlers – some a lot more famous then others but they all mean something special to me.

But the most famous of them all was of course Hugh Hefner! OMG HUGH HEFNER WISHED ME, CHANTAL TAYLOR HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He is like one of the most famous men on the whole planet and my mam and I watch Girls of the Playboy Mansion religiously, so when I checked twitter on my iPod and clicked onto mentions and saw that he tweeted me I gasped with excitement!! – I couldn’t scream as Bianca was still asleep and I didn’t want to wake her up, but I couldn’t believe it at all!

Enough with Hugh Hefner excitement (maybe he will invite me to the mansion) and onto all the other amazing tweets and messeges I received on August 12th 2010 aka my 21st Birthday.

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