Tag Archives: lace

Ciao, Ciao.

26 Sep

Hello blogerinis, have you missed me? I have missed you all heaps!

I have been in Italy for the last two weeks (and for the other two weeks i’ve been extremely busy – I apologize) but hey biatches forget all about what you think of Italy and fashion – what they think is OTM is actually incredibly 90s (and not the good 90s ala Clarrisa explains it all) it’s all sickingly shiny puffa jackets and pedal pushers alplenty.

However, as per usual yours truly raked through the rails upon rails of tops that wouldn’t look out of place in Tammy circa 2003 and managed to pick up a few classic items that can live in my wardrobe forever. Continue reading

Seaside times…

26 Jul

Howdy, so today I went to the seaside and because its Redcar I never know how the weather is going to turn out, one minute it’s glorious and the next it’s a torrential storm. Thus, making me wear a completely irrelevant outfit, but hell to it I found this outfit cute and I love it so I went with it. Plus the local newspaper came round to take a picture of me for a little column about books so I needed to look like a little stylish geek and I think I pulled it off really well, do you agree?

Monday 26th July.

Lace dress (worn as top) – Internationale (yak, i know right?): £18
Gingham skirt (I LOVE gingham as I like to pretend I am Dorathy from the Wizard of Oz) – Matalan: £12
Love heart tights – Topshop: £6 (yikes! i know but i wear tights basically every day so i’m willing to spend a bit.)
Brown brogues – Primark: £8
Geeky glasses – Primark: £1 (bargain or what!)
Bracelets etc (as seen at the top) – Union Jack&Love bangles – Primark: £2.50 each, Faux pearl bracelets – accumulated them over the years, Gold watch – George@Asda: £8.

Now as you can see in the pic I have taken off two of the broaches that I previously had on my satchel. Reasons? well because I bent the pin of the Diva one so fucking bad it basically kept threatening me too fall off in the middle of the street so I was constantly worried and thought grr it’s going to have to go so bye bye Diva broach – I shall always remember you. With the other badge because it was really old and once belonged to my nona (my italian grandma) I didn’t want to loose it and feel guilty for the rest of my life so that’s why I had to remove it.

Even though there is just one simple red love heart on my satchel I still love it and it’s not leaving my side – well until I go back to uni as then I need HUGE bag to basically fit my life in.

One last note – why are ice creams at the seaside so fricken expensive nowadays?! for sprinkles it costs 25p extra! eeeeeeee – good job my BFF works in the leading ice cream shop and can give me discount.

Fashionista ways…

19 Jul

I would describe my fashion style as well I don’t think it exactly has a name. If the term ‘indie’ was actually used as it should be I would describe myself as that i.e: independent. But unfortunately all those indie little bitches and bitch boys that you see about are all the exact same.

Whereas myself I am my own little person in a huge big world, I wear whatever I want to wear and normally when I think something matches and looks good in most cases people think otherwise. But hey, I don’t care as long as I don’t look like the every other person on the street I’m happy. Continue reading