Tag Archives: glasses

First position

21 Jul

Wednesday 21st July.

Soooo the weather out there is stormy, boiling, rainy and sunny. Well lets say its ever-changing and ever-changing weather = mega confusion on what to wear.

At the time I left the house it was freezing cold but by the time I got into town it was mega hot and I was sweating like a piggy :(.

Thus leaving me wearing a massive wooly jumper on a hot summers day…

Geek glasses – New Look: £6
Sheep patterned wooly jumper – Charity shop: £2.95
Gaudy blinging chav necklace – Primark: £2.50
Jeans – River Island: £35 (I know! – but jeans are jeans you can’t wear cheap ones)
Brogues – Primark: £8
BIG smile – Priceless!

Even though the geek glasses trend is now over I am addicted to my pair and I couldn’t bear to be apart from them. I have an opticians appointment on Friday so perhaps I will get a similar pair with actual lenses in that will help me actually see the board in class.